
When choosing a real estate professional, get to know their history!

Below, you'll find information that will help you get to know me better - from awards and credentials I've achieved, to references from past clients.

 I consider the satisfaction of my clients to be my greatest achievement, and take pride in my repeat business from past clients and referrals.

Call me today - I look forward to adding you to this growing list!

Click here to view my Current Listings!

Margaret Wang

Mario clearly knows the process of sequence for selling and buying properties.   However, his strongest asset goes beyond transactions.  He possesses strong communication skills for negotiations and profound understanding of people's needs.  Mario captures people's mind with empathy, it's truly a delight getting to know him.

He has a warm heart that connects with people, and an infectious kindness that brings people closer together.  A valuable character trait that triumph much more than a typical sales person.

I wholeheartedly appreciate his help for the dealings of selling my apartment, I highly recommend Mario's service to anyone because it extends more than a dealing, you gain a friendship.

Margaret Wang


Dennis and Evelyn

Mario David was the perfect realtor to help us with our dream of finding the ideal retirement home.  We engaged Mario initially two years previously, letting him know of our preferences and our budget, and he arranged numerous viewings, which led us to making no less than two offers which fell through for various reasons, including timing.  Finally, Mario arranged a showing which met all our expectations and more. That was when his consummate skills and experience came to the fore. "How can we make sure we make a successful offer to ensure we obtain our dream retirement home?" we asked Mario.  His advice about how to construct the offer, including meeting the vendor's hoped for timelines and price expectations; allowed us to seal the deal in such a timely manner that our offer was accepted within 24 hours of our first viewing the place and we took possession just over one month later!  Throughout this long relationship, Mario understood our cautious hesitations and never pushed us to make a decision.  In addition to his lifetime of experience in real estate and his meticulous attention to details, Mario David showed us infinite patience and understanding as we made what  was a major decision in our lives.  Thank you Mario for helping us make such a major decision with confidence and without stress1

Dennis and Evelyn


Charles and Naomi

Hi Mario,

We were happy to have you as our agent for our home purchasing.  You did a good job for us.  We started our journey with you a couple of years ago (might be longer), and you showed us your professionalism throughout the time and process: patient, no rush, listened to us, understood our concerns, respected our decision to cancel the offers (happened a few times in the past), provided us your honest opinions, ...  In the end, we found our dreamed home.  There were some hiccups in the final transition process, and you helped to smooth the things out and got the issues resolved.

Overall, we were very happy to have you as our agent, and thank you for your friendly and professional services.

Keep in touch.



Felicia and Anthony

As first time home-buyers, we found Mario's expertise invaluable.  He took the time to get to know our needs and was always able to provide personalized advice and strategies which helped us greatly throughout the search and buying process.  Mario went above and beyond to find listings that met our requirements and also introduced us to new areas of the market which we weren't familiar with.  Even throughout the closing process Mario was always available to provide guidance and ensured that the deal closed smoothly.  We are very happy with our experience, learned a ton and would highly recommend him to anyone purchasing / selling a property!

Anthony and Felicia


John Evans

Mario sold our unit in just a couple of weeks while another realtor tried for months on end without any results. Mario David goes the extra mile and I would recommend without hesitation. This review sounds to good to be true I know, but it is the God's truth!


Joanne Tsu

Mario impressed me years ago as I purchased property of one of his listings. When I asked him to be my agent to sell, during the most difficult period of the pandemic, he helped put all things in order for me. With his professional knowledge and experience the sale went through smoothly exceeding my expectation.

What I appreciate most is his attitude of taking ownership of the selling activity. He has done so much more without me asking and being so supportive on challenging negotiation process. I could not thank him enough other than put a 5 star rating on this survey. I will, for sure, recommending him to all my friends and families without hesitation. He's the best agent I have ever encountered during my 40+ years of real estate owner/investor experience.


The Geirholms

Just to put this in perspective, we aren’t rookies in the process of buying and selling real estate.  In the past 50 years we have been home owners in 4 provinces and 6 cities.  Add to that, nine different neighborhoods plus 4 rental properties in various provinces plus commercial warehouse units in very active markets.

Needless to say, we have come across the Good, the Bad and the downright Ugly in the field of real estate agents.

Finally, an exceptionally good friend introduced us to an agent that he had great praise for.

Mario S David

My first reaction was the video cartoon character “Super Mario” but after Mario David’s performance in handling the sale of our Commercial Strata Warehouse in 2020, (and) when it came time to sell our high end strata (townhouse) condominium in Richmond, Mario was the go to guy.

The cartoon Mario may be the super cartoon guy but.  Mario S. David is the Super Real Estate Guy.
Reliable, Trustworthy, Honest, Diligent, and Thorough are only a few adjectives we can think about to describe Mario.

The Geirholms
Across Canada and most recently Richmond BC


Steve and Jane

The service you provided was exceptional.  As I told you, you should write a book or teach other realtors how to treat clients and patience.  We went from looking for a 400k condo to buying a house over a million dollars.  You were patient and listened every step of the way with no excuses or no pressure of what we should buy.  Every realtor I have worked with was not patient or had any of your professional qualities.  You should be top one percent.  Thanks again for your working with us.


Pam Anderson

Hey Mario,

Thanks so much for everything!  I really liked that you explained everything to me (eg. when they changed the dates on the offer, all these negotiation tactics, etc) so I always felt informed even though everything was so new to me. I think in general just feeling like I just needed to worry about finding a place I liked and then letting you handle the rest was great.  Usually I like to do my own research and stuff but it was nice that you explained everything to me so I didn't have to do that.  It ended up just being a really easy experience, considering I didn't know anything going into it, but I still understood what was going on.  Also great that I got the place I wanted for well below asking :)

Thanks again!


Man Tat Wong

我姓黃,年紀老邁,已達八十五之齡,廿多年前退休後移居温哥華,居住在207-6611 Minoru Blvd, Richmond 一單位。温巿是一個美麗的城市,藍天白雲,景色怡人,鳥語花香,地大人稀,最適合居住,尤以退休生活。原本以為晚年可長居於此,惟今年以來,忽染腳患,不良於行,所認識之親友,多離開本地或回流香港,本人遂有意返回原居地香港。一天,見本樓宇有Open House,認識售樓經紀馬利奧先生,商談我有意放售所住單位,馬先生充滿熱誠,為我詳細介紹本地房地產之概況,走勢,並說我住單位之巿值,給我參考。我見馬先生忠誠老實和专业,故決意將所住單位交他放盤出售。Mario 首先將我的居室重新设计和佈置,并拍成视频放上網作宣傳推廣,又以其專業知識,拍成硬照,印成彩色單張,以作宣傳。每逢 Open House 都先來視察環境,並播放輕音樂,以增氣氛。在Mario 的周詳悉心的策劃下,房子順利在短時間內賣出,為了我的權益,争取并且達到理想的價格。為此,我衷心感謝Mario及其家人真誠的協助,實在感恩,感謝


Fonda Bloy

Mario is amazing. I highly recommend him. He is always professional and does his best to get you what you need and want. He was always available when I needed him and continued to work even when it was difficult in this current climate.


Krystyna Sokolowski

Mario David is an incredibly gifted Realtor, he is the man who will go the extra mile for you and get the job done right the first time. This would be our second time going with Mario David's services and time hasn't faltered this amazing guy. Mario is extremely hard-working, respectful, detail-oriented and has a heart of gold.

Mario cares about everyone he meets both buyers and sellers and his integrity shines through his work and communication. There were moments Mario would email/text us late night and weekends to make sure our deal would be successful. Mario made it possible for our completion/possession dates to be as smooth as possible (so we wouldn't have to make alternative storage/additional moving arrangements). We bought our beautiful dream home first and the challenge my husband and I faced was to sell our existing Condo in less than two months.

Throughout my challenge, Mario was always positive, calm, focused, we felt minimal pressure due to Mario's upbeat attitude. Mario is on top of his game, our Condo sold in less than a week in the market due to his marketing strategy, knowledge and perseverance. Mario is an excellent listener, we asked many questions and he was always there to help guide us. We admired Mario's methodical decision-making advise, it proved valuable in our situation. Mario has been a huge blessing to us in this real estate transaction experience and we're forever grateful to Mario David for all that his has done for us.

Thank You Mario for helping make our dream come true.


Elaine and Joanne Nicholson

We appreciated the way you were able to explain things to us, and worked to gain an informed consensus from the family.  This was important as moving a senior can be so stressful.  We also appreciated the way you ‘rolled up your sleeves’ and moved the furniture around with us as you staged the Minoru unit in preparation for the amazing photos and video that you took to help sell the unit.  Your experience in the area led to good advice on timing the listing, determining asking price, and accepting the sale price.  We would not hesitate to recommend you to anyone looking for a realtor!


Luc Ouellet

Mario helped me quickly and professionally sell two industrial properties. I'd highly recommend him to anyone looking to buy or sell an industrial or commercial property.


Joan L. Cramer

Hello Mario, it's Joan Cramer calling you.  I just had to call and tell you 'thank you so much'.  You did a super job selling my apartment.  I really so appreciate it.  I know you went to a lot of trouble and a lot of hard work and I want you to know, before phoning you, I phoned _______________.  Their place is still for sale.  I told them they should give it to you and you would get it done for them someday soon.  And I thank you so very much.  When I hear of anyone else who's thinking of selling, I will certainly give them your name because I appreciated what you did for me.  Thank you, Mario!


Cynthia & Kelvin

Mario is professional and punctilious. He offered us invaluable help not only during every single step of the office leasing process but also after the process.

He's reliable and trustworthy, and we're lucky to have met him. If we're going to lease or buy another property, he's definitely the person to go to. And should any of our friends need a realtor specialist, we're going to give him unreserved and highest recommendation.


Cathy Andersen & Paul Dubé

In just a week you listed and sold our condo. The buyer wanted a very quick closing and due to your creativity, knowledge and ability our condo was sold well over asking. We truly could not have done this without you! Thank you Mario!


Ken and Aida Anderson

Mario did a great job in assisting us in the sale of our condo.  He put in a lot of effort and was quick to provide feedback from buyers and suggestions on how to proceed.  We are pleased that we engaged Mario as our real estate agent and would recommend him to anyone considering the sale of their home.



We really appreciated your help.  From the beginning to the end, you have provided us with excellent service and have even gone out of your way to ensure that you give the best customer care.  We are very lucky to have dealt with a realtor who is genuinely concerned about his customers, not just to close the sale / the transaction.

He is not only very friendly, he's very professional in his dealings, very knowledgeable, very patient with us in answering our questions and always ready to provide his expert opinions to help us make the right decision and help you in every step of the way.  He even shared his expert insights and gave us tips in regards to the interior design/ furniture plan for our unit.  It's like you're  dealing with a friend, not just a realtor.       

Thank you very much Mr. Jackie Chan look alike :)



Thank you for your professional and responsible service. I really appreciate for what you did about selling my apartment that located in 6611 Minoru blvd. Richmond. You made achievements! We will recommend you to all my friends who need to sell their properties. You are an expert realtor.


Della Ng

We really want to thank Mario for the amazing job in selling our house. He is very committed, professional and a hard worker. We were constantly informed about the house and he presented our house very well. Our house was one opened for viewing for 1 day and it was already sold.


Fiona Macdonald on behalf of Gwen Macdonald

We were absolutely delighted with what you did, and I can't imagine a realtor being better or more effective in any way.  You provided amazing customer service, including your approach to working with my 91-year old mother, who thankfully still has all her marbles.  Your expertise, and specific market knowledge was clear in how you helped us to establish the list price, and then in how you managed the sale itself.

You ensured we had not only an extremely good offer, but back-up offers as well.  You were patient with us, and with the buyer, to provide them with all the market research and background on current and historical prices and price trends to help them become comfortable that their offer was reasonable.  At the very beginning of the process you gave my mother excellent advice as to timing of when to put her condo on the market.  That turned out to be a very good thing, since it took a full year for a suite to become available in the Independent Living complex that she wanted.  If it hadn't been for your advice, we would likely have put it on much earlier, resulting in great stress around closing dates and interim living facilities.

In the end, you managed the process as you had anticipated, to have a short selling process, a quick close and a very good price.In summary, you managed the entire process, from start to finish, with deep expertise and great skill.  You have a wonderful style of communicating, and an approach that generates confidence and reduces stress over what is intrinsically stressful - trying to maximize value from a significant asset.

We will be pleased to recommend you to anyone else who is considering either buying or selling in the Greater Vancouver area.



I thank you again for your help and patience in this process of being a first time home buyer.  I believe you were very understanding of my concerns and very helpful in explaining the process for me.  This made my understanding of buying a home much easier and less stressful.  I do not think there is anything more that you could have done to become a better realtor.  There were some things we were faced with that were understandable, things that were a little out of our control and that is no fault of yours.  As well, as much as I would have liked for you to see the place before I placed an offer, that was out of our control as well so that was not on you.


Overall I am very satisfied with the level of service you provided me, and will recommend you to people I know that are in need of a realtor.  Thanks again for your service and I will let you know once I have everything in order at the place and we can see what kind of home theatre setup I end up with.

Tracey Byrne

I make a big thank you and show of appreciation to Mario David.  He has twice made me expedient sales, and also provided me with a great buy which I've made a great return on.  His expertise made the sale of my homes simple and successful.  Mario's attention to detail and passion to succeed let me sit back with confidence.  He sold both my places, one a condo in a complicated strata situation, and one a sale where he optimized the selling price returning on our earlier investment.

I consider Mario an expert and a friend. Thanks, Mario.



Thanks again for everything that you did for us in getting our condo sold quickly.  That was amazing!  Personally, I appreciated your willingness to consider our expectations before listing.  You gave our place great exposure through your signs, pictures, brochure, and video.  You were available to take our calls, answer our questions, and even go out of your way to my workplace to get those funny signatures of mine. 

I also thought your suggestions for furniture re-arranging were helpful.  You are professional, yet personable and I like that in a realtor.  Thanks again, Mario.  I'd recommend your services to anyone, even as Ian and Megan referred us to you.  All the best in your future sales.


Ian and Iris

I appreciated your quick responses right from day 1 when I contacted you and your quick follow ups.  I like how you were flexible with allowing me to choose open house dates and selling price etc.

In terms of your selling techniques I thought the staging and photography were outstanding.  When I compare it to many other places for sale (including the place I ended up buying) you can really tell the difference in the quality of the staging and photography.  I like that you advertise on so many different sites, newspapers etc and it seemed to have gotten attention.

Overall the main thing I was happy about was the quick result.  I ended up selling in the price range I wanted for it and in quick timing so I couldn't ask for much more.

Iris and I are very happy in our new place and will likely be using you as a realtor again when we choose to sell.  I've recommended you to my folks and I hope things go just as well with their place.

Thanks again and Happy New Year!


Diane & Gerri

First off you came highly recommended.  I have always felt that the regular agents that had been selling in our building were not actually getting good value for sellers.  We had nothing to lose as we had over a year before retiring and moving to Saskatchewan, so we decided to put our condo on the market sooner than later.  As you know, we invited you over to discuss listing with you and your real estate company.  We were pleasantly surprised with your professionalism, sense of humour and non aggressive "got to get the deal" personality.  We had an agent months before meeting with us that was so inexperienced and pushy that we decided not to list our condo and wait.  Then you came along!  So after meeting with you as discussed we were going to get a second opinion on what the value of our condo truly was.  You were fine with that and at no time appeared disappointed or pushy and we appreciated your professionalism.

The following week we had another agent (who I know from work) come and see our condo.  He mostly sells Commercial Real Estate, but he promised to give me a better deal on his commission.  He too was very professional and had done his homework.  He also quoted the same price that you did for what we could expect to get for our condo.  I have to be honest, we were surprised that we could get that much and now two agents were telling us the same price.  Also just for the record, he happened to work for the same Real Estate Company as you do.  Please note that we never discussed with him how much you told us we could get for our suite.

After meeting with the two of you we decided to go with you, as we felt you were more experienced in Residential Real Estate and you had recently sold a suite in our building and you were more than willing to work with our unusual requests of "no open houses" as we did not want lookielu's from our building in our suite.  You also promised to attend any viewing of our suite with agents bringing clients.  You promised that once you found the right type of buyer for the style of our semi-loft suite, you would have no problem selling it.  We were surprised at how quickly you brought in offers and how quickly you sold our suite.  We were also surprised that you got us more than our asking price.  You did everything you said you would and more.

We have nothing but praise for your performance with the sale of our suite.  You were professional and informative.  You are truly a man of your words.  You have a great sense of humour and a pleasing charisma.  Mario we would not hesitate to refer you to anyone we know who is interested in selling.  We can not thank you enough for assisting us in our so called exit plan for getting out of this city and moving to Saskatchewan for our retirement.

So Mario we can not find anything to complain about and there is nothing that we felt needed improvement.  Just continue what you do and we are sure that you will continue to be a very successful real estate agent.


Colin & Lynne

In 2016 we went through 3 property transactions - 2 purchases and 1 sale - and you were instrumental in all 3.  We felt that you worked very well with us and found you to be extremely helpful, knowledgeable, patient and accommodating.  We are most happy with our experience with you.  You have indeed "done more" and we certainly plan on availing ourselves of your services again in future and would also have no hesitation in recommending you to anyone considering doing a property transaction.


Cheryl Talbot

Hi Mario,

I can't thank you enough for all you did for me during the sale of my Mom's condo.  You were there for me from beginning to end.  Which I might add did not take long. (What 10 days??)  Thank you for being so kind to my mother.   Making her feel included.  Thank you for answering all my questions, even when they didn't always relate to the sale directly.

Mario, I would refer you to anyone I know, buying or selling their home.  Thank you again.


Theresa Lau

Great service in getting the price down for us and prompt on our correspondences, especially with the (Hong Kong) time difference.  Willing to work more to get us what we wanted.


Suzanne J.

You came recommended to me and I was so glad. Your experience with condo sales, your attention to every little detail in preparing my home for showing, and your prompt replies to all the questions I had made the experience wonderfully easy.  I couldn't have asked for better results or for more in a Realtor.  Thank you!


Joan and Don Glossop

It was a pleasure working with you.  You were always available when we needed you - you got us using texts for the first time!!!  Your calm, yet enthusiastic manner made the listing and sale of our property quick and effective.  We will definitely recommend you to our friends.  Thank you!



Dear Mario,

Thank you so much for helping me with the purchase of 2 properties in Vancouver.  I literally could not have gotten them done without you.  You were extremely patient and explained every thing to me step by step.  You've also always put my needs and requests first before all else, even your own.

Especially with the second property, where the previous lawyer told me less than 2 days before I was to leave Vancouver that she could not help me get things done before I leave.  I was devastated and couldn't figure out how I could possibly get the things done before closing date if I was in China.  You've reassured me and helped me find another lawyer within 2 hours.  I was finally able to fly to China with everything done and without worry.  You've saved me countless hours that I would have wasted running around to notaries.

Thank you for making me feel that you always have my best interest at heart.  I will definitely seek for your help with future purchases and selling of properties.  Can't thank you enough!

Warmest regards


Liu Xiaofeng and Tian Ping

在过去的几年里看过几次Mario做的open house, 后来这些我认为很难卖出的房子陆续卖出了。后来在卖我自己的房子的时候,很想委托给Mario, 可老婆想找个能讲国语的中介,就这样房子卖了1年,虽然降价房子仍旧在市场上,期间经历的辛辣苦咸就不多说了。后来我决定把房子委托给Mario, 因为他对这些地产及周边很熟悉,他的销量也高,所以对他很有信心,根据房子装修情况把房子价格也提高了。正如预期的一样,一个月后房子卖掉了,而且还是一个很理想的价格。期间他在风雨中放open house 标志,主动与银行联系协助律师解决房子产权问题。我在国内,查出房子的一些小问题,Mario都找人解决了。Mario 专业、敬业,非常细心,与客户沟通及时到位。强烈向大家推荐。


Wendy Wu

I work with many Realtors on a daily basis and have come across a few outstanding ones - and Mario is one of the few.  For me to choose Mario to help with purchasing our family home, I have confidence in his negotiation skills, his attention to detail, knowledge in the market and research on the area that I was interested in, and the willingness to go over and beyond.

There is no job too small for Mario, his patience, integrity and professionalism is always at the highest level.

Thank you, Mario. We'll be working together soon again.


Anurag and Ankita

Hi Mario,

Thank you so much for everything you have done for us.  You are an amazing and very supportive real estate agent.  You say "I DO MORE" and you actually do more.  We both appreciate your help and support in the stressful process of buying house for first time buyers.  You helped us from the beginning of the process and to the end.  You were with us in this whole process.

We moved last week and it is very nice place, we both love it.  Now it is time to decorate our lovely place.  Much appreciated.  Have a wonderful day!



Wayne Lu

Of course I would like to thank you for your help on looking for office for me.  I would say I am lucky to find you for helping me on this.  You have done more than I am expected when we try to locate a better small office and we can start earlier than what we have planned.  Even during the period of negotiation, your professionalism impressed me and get us onboard of this right place.  Thanks again!


Greg and Patty Emry

Mario, you are a gentle agent.  You listened and were understanding with our emotional time.  We did make a big mistake buying something with‎ such a small deck, but life goes on.  You continue to work for your clients, you rock!


The Gorals

Hi Mario,

Both my husband and I really appreciate your professionalism every step of the way within this bidding war.  I don't know how many offers were reviewed, but Thank You.  Your level of integrity, knowledge, experience, professionalism, personality and style is outstanding.  We are both amazed at how smooth this whole transaction transpired.

Mario you have a special gift, your negotiation skills are incredible, so smooth - you bring back confidence and respect to the buyer at the bargaining table.  We almost have a home that meets ALL our expectations.  You have been a God-send, we regret not finding you sooner!

The property search with you has been a beautiful experience.  We will definitely keep in contact with you when it comes to real estate.  Thank you again.


Danny Chang

Mario is a very professional and proactive agent who can bring you a lot of potential prospects and is very good at negotiating the best deal for you.

He's also capable of making things easy for you.  He also utilizes the use of technology well, which makes things easy and quick. He's also very detail-oriented.  He picks out the tiny details in the contract, and is able to explain to you in the simplest term, and thus easier to make decisions.

I am very fortunate to have Mario as my agent.


Bianca Lechner and Family

Everything went so smoothly, thanks to you.  We would use you again, and gladly recommend you.  Again, thank you, Mario!


Annie Zhou

Mario是一个非常负责任的经纪,他为客户着想充分考虑到客户的需求,帮我们找到合适的房屋。在加拿大首次置业,我们对买卖房屋的事一无所知,Mario为我们做了很多的准备工作。买房是一件及其耗费时间和精力的事,但是Mario以他诚实和不厌其烦的工作态度打消了我的顾虑。他从来没有硬推销,一切都为我们着想,对那些好跟不好都一一为我们解释清楚。Mario做事认真负责,有责任感,哪怕很细小的环节他都会为我们争取。他处处为客人着想,令我非常满意他的服务。Mario绝对是一个值得推荐给朋友的好经纪所以买卖房子哪里找,首选No1 Mario是最好


The Greenwoods

Mario went above and beyond for our family.  We had a dream of selling our home in the city and purchasing a rural farm property and he helped us make this dream a reality.  Our real estate deal was not your ordinary deal and came with many challenges, and Mario overcame all of them.  We couldn't have done it without him and we couldn't be happier with the service he provided us. 

He was always available when we needed him, made us feel like his top client always, utilized creative tools like a YouTube video to showcase our home, and got us the sale price we wanted .... he really does "do more!"


Gary Wong

我 從来都不相信地産經紀,因爲我覺得他們唯利是圖,不顧及客户利益,所以移民二十年来我都没有自己固定的地産經紀代表,直至遇到MARIO, 我被他熱誠的工作態度所感動,從来没有硬推銷,售後服務完善,所以在短短一年半中,我已委托MARIO 爲我做了三次房屋買賣,現在我也準備再找MARIO 爲我物色房屋作爲投资用途。


Julia Thompson

Mario is a thoughtful, personable and friendly realtor who went above and beyond for me in the purchase of a condo.  I appreciated his calm demeanour and expertise in the realty field.  In the past I have worked with realtors whom I found to be aggressive and impatient.  Mario took the time to ensure that he got to know me as a buyer, and handled any issues after the purchase with complete care.

In my opinion, there is no better realtor than Mario David.  Thank you Mario!  I am so happy in my new home.


Bin Yan Liu

我 是一个投资者,在温哥华投资房地产多年,曾经与很多的房地产经纪打交道。Mario是我见过众多的房地产经纪之中印象最深刻的一个。他做事认真负责,有责 任感,哪怕很细小的环节他都会为我全力争取最大的利益。他那种处处为客人着想的敬业精神和反应敏捷的谈判技巧,令我非常地满意他的服务。Mario绝对是 最值得推荐和信任的房地产经纪。




Job well done!  Thank you for your time & effort, for sure it was not a smooth or easy sale, but you did it.  I have no problem to recommend your service to anyone!!!
Thank you so much.


Henry Jefferson

As far as they go I think my property may have been unusually challenging.  I only had a couple of days to source a house, the remaining transaction took place in polar opposite time zones and in a place with bad lines of communication.  On top of this, my temperament may have sprinkled on some spice as well.

To accommodate these challenges, Mario:
1)  set a new record for number of property viewings in one day (13 appointments!)
2)  gave consistently clear guidance
3)  managed the time zone issue seamlessly
4)  remained calm when I... was not!
5)  connected and liassed very well with the rest of the finance and legal team

Overall, I found Mario to be trustworthy and honest.  I recommend!


Nicole Gantner

Dear Mario,

"All done" you said.  I would add "very well done."

I must say that I was always nicely surprised at all you did in order to deal with a problematic suite, fix the problem, and with the end result of concluding a good sale.

When we first met, I pegged you as being very professional and dedicated.  I did not know the extent of it.  I have dealt with many realtors over the years but none like you.

Our suite became “your” suite and you went out of your way and spent countless hours making it the best it could be.  You had 15 open houses, dealt with 3 offers and finally negotiated a good deal for both buyer and seller.  You always took time to keep me abreast of all the developments on a regular basis.  What more could I ask?
Being out of province, I very much appreciated all the extra services (finding me a lawyer, disposing of furniture to charities and moving some to another suite to help out a fellow realtor, checking the mail and even returning a modem to Shaw so my mother would not be billed for it).
My only regret is that I would like to be able to recommend you to friends  but they do not live in your neck of the woods.

Therefore I would say to prospective buyers and sellers in the Lower Mainland, contact Mario for all your real estate needs as indeed he ”does do more”.


Jessica Yang

Dear Mario,

We would like to express how much we appreciated the efforts and time you put with us.  As a first-time home buyer, we were very panic and have no clue of whatsoever. 

You have been very patient, and he truly understands our needs to find the best suited apartment.  I have to say it was not easy, but you have always been with us from drawing up offer to finalizing the sale.  You are very professional in real estate and detail oriented, to ensure that we are not negligent on any important matters.  

We especially appreciated that you stayed up with the seller’s realtor till midnight, so we got our perfect home.  Also the extra services after the sale were very thoughtful and helpful, [i.e. replacing mailbox keys, following up with any concerns, assisting us to move etc.]

In short, you are a reliable, professional and efficient realtor, we will always recommend you for his great service.
Once again, thank you Mario
Best Regards!

Mayan and Ken Molland

We had started our new lives together as a couple and were looking to buy our first new home for all of our 5 children and us.

Our realtor Mario S. David was first of all very honest, which is the first very most important quality we were looking for in our realtor.  He will tell you as it is!  Secondly, he was very quick in finding our home.  Thirdly, he was extremely thorough and paid extra attention to the little details we may not have thought of.

Overall it was a very pleasant experience.  As such, we had no hesitation in contacting Mario when it was time to find a new location for our business.  Once again Mario was very professional and experienced.

Thank you so much Mario.  We wish you all the best and we will be contacting you for our next exciting venture.  All the best to you!


Brandon Clarke

…Mario, …from my perspective everything was 5 star and I can't think of anything that you could improve on, and I look forward to working with you again.


Rose and Denzil Desa

A friend recently introduced Mario to us to handle the sale of our apartment.  We found Mario to be very knowledgeable and willing to find answers when information was not readily available.  He diligently followed up every step of the sales process providing us with regular updates.  

There were many obstacles along the way and Mario worked hard behind the scenes and found solutions. We would like to thank Mario for his outstanding service and an almost stress free experience.  Thank You!


J. Wang

Dear Mario,

I just wanted to express my thanks to you for the help and pleasant experience through this process.  I know how much effort you contribute to help me write the offer with the seller.  As a sales person and lender myself, I was really amazed by the work ethic, professional knowledge, and the enthusiasm you have on your work.
I will be looking forward to partner with you at work and recommend you more clients so more people can benefit and enjoy from your service.  I just wanted to thank you and let you know that I appreciate everything that you did.  BIG THANK YOU TO YOU!

David Sen

One of the best real estate agents in the market.  Mario’s negotiating skill is far above anything I have seen out there.  His ability to give an honest opinion and get the job done far exceeded our expectations.  He is a true professional and will go out of his way to get the answers you need for buying and selling your property.  Thanks.


Michelle Jasper, Thrive Life Consultant

As a very satisfied home seller, Mario is certainly the "Go To Guy" to get the job done for any of your real estate needs!!  Mario's personal expertise and experience worked wonders to sell my Richmond home both quickly and seamlessly.  His attention to detail is amazing, and his ability to capture photos that really speak to the reality and location of the property are wonderful!

Whether buying or selling a property, "your needs" will be addressed by Mario's sincerity and 110% efforts!  A true professional you can absolutely trust, and one who is willing and able to help you out above and beyond the call of personal service!


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